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What is  Developmental Play?

Tummy Time and Quality Play Time
Baby Crawling during that Transitional Phase
Baby just learnt to walk during the Mature Phase

At Little Cub Nurture Hub, we believe that nurturing babies through play is paramount to their overall development. Whether this nurture come from parents, carers or nursery practitioners.


We are a skills led space for babies and all their grownups!


Developmental Play for babies is providing purposeful play opportunities to purposefully promote socialisation and attachment, communication and language, all aspects of physical development.   


Baby Infancy can be split up into 3 main parts which help us to understand the developing baby better and help us to provide play that is appropriate to each stage of development. After a year, babies enter the beginnings of toddlerhood. 


To Learn more about Tummy Time Click Here


Primitive Phase of Development

This period of time is sometimes called the Primitive Phase or 4th Trimester. It is a crucial time for your baby because they are just adjusting to the world.


This phase is often called the Primitive Phase because babies predominantly use their primitive reflexes which guide them in the first few months with essential survival tasks such as eating, sleeping, bonding and attachment and crying. 


During this phase, babies benefit from quiet, nurturing surroundings with their caregiver as their primary playmate. 


The Transitional Phase

The Transitional Phase begins at around 3-4 months and this is when baby becomes much more capable physically. Babies may begin to smile, roll, begin feeding as well as lots of other beautiful milestones too. This is often a time of immense joy for families because it feels like their little one is waking up to the world. 


The Mature Phase

This phase begins around 9 months until they are around a year old. During the Mature Phase babies really master their physical movements. Babies may begin kneeling, cruising and even walking during this phase. 



Toddlerhood begins at around a year old until they are around 3 years old. During this phase they will begin to imitate more, use their imaginations and play with others. Toddlers may now be mobile, beginning to talk, developing 'hobbies' and learn through schematic play opportunities. 




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